The KHSAA Dead Period begins on June 25th at 12:01 AM and runs until July 9th at 11:59 PM. Here is the reminder from the KHSAA Bylaws:
a) From June 25 to July 9 each year:
(1) Students may not receive coaching or training from school personnel (either salaried or non-salaried) in any KHSAA- sanctioned sport or sport-activity;
(2) School facilities, uniforms, nicknames, transportation or equipment, may not be used in any KHSAA-sanctioned sport or sport-activity;
(3) School funds may not be expended in support of interscholastic athletics in any KHSAA-sanctioned sport; and
(4) Postseason wrap-up activities, celebrations and recognition events relating to a spring sports team at a school which participated in KHSAA state championship play in that particular sport during that particular year may be held.
Case BL-24-7- What restrictions are in place for the member schools during the KHSAA Dead Period (Bylaw 24, Sec. 3) including restrictions on facilities?
The following restrictions are in place for member school representatives (including groups of schools and school representatives and booster organizations) during the dead period, and apply to all persons connected with the member school, including coaches:
(1) School or booster funds may not be expended during this dead period;
(2) No activity for a student-athlete may be required by a school representative in any sport during the Dead Period. There may be no penalties assessed, expressed or implied for nonparticipation during that period;
(3) An entry fee may not be paid for a team into a league, camp or tournament. There can be no expenditure for camps, clinics, etc. which any of the players will attend;
(4) Other necessary fees including officiating fees and game or facility management fees may not be paid;
(5) Transportation or funding for transportation for team members may not be provided for student-athletes to go to games, camps or tournaments;
(6) The school athletics facilities may not be used for organized competition at which students from the high school are participants and for which no rental/lease arrangement exists using comparable regional fair market values;
(7) The school athletics facilities may not be used for organized competition at which students from the school are participants and at which members of the high school coaching staff are involved in coaching or facility management and preparation;
(8) The school nickname, school name or other accepted likeness may not be used on school issued apparel, and the school name, nickname or other accepted likeness may not be used in any other facet of athletic activity;
(9) No fund raising activity may require the participation, either implicitly or explicitly, of the student-athlete or parents; and the students and coaches cannot be together in any of these type of activities;
(10) There cannot be distribution of equipment, uniforms or other school-owned or playing rules required equipment to student-athletes with eligibility remaining, including but not limited to football or baseball catching gear;
(11) There cannot be money spent on travel to or from a camp, clinic or other activity during the Dead Period, even if none of the practice, competition or evaluation occurs during the Dead Period as this is an expenditure of school funds or resources in support of athletics;
(12) The can be no direct communication to any student-athlete by a coach or member of the coaching staff/team regarding activities that are being held either during the dead period, or after. This includes any form of communication, verbal and written, as well as using any medium including social media.